Michelle Shahbazyan

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Being Healthy and Positive in 2020

Trying times these are. Shops and cafes closed, long lines at grocery stores. Mandates to not get together in groups. In this modern day and age with so much going on in the most robust economy we have ever seen in history, we are forced to halt all activities because of a microscopic little villain known as COVID-19. We have to take extreme measures to keep our bodies and minds healthy until there is a reliable protocol in place to handle such difficulty throughout our nation. Safety is not a negotiable line item. Always start with your and other’s safety in mind and then make decisions on what you can do to be healthy and positive.

The first most important thing that I think everyone should be sure to focus on is staying connected. Over the past few years there was so much discussion about how socializing online wasn’t as good as socializing in person. I think in these trying times, we have so much to be grateful for starting with how far technology has advanced in the last couple decades. Our online connections are more important than ever. We can connect, network, transmit information, and have outlets for mounting stressors. It is so important to utilize our digital connections to stay as healthy and strong as ever. Staying connected with other people in any way shape or form is so healthy for our psyche that it should be part of your own personal daily mandate to stay healthy and positive until you’re more able to socialize in person.

Another daily must do is take care of your body. Everyone can stretch a bit in place no matter where you are. Stretching, doing some core exercises like sit-ups or planks can make all the difference in how your body feels and ultimately responds to any minor or major illnesses. Check out some quick online videos or even Instagram for inspiration. Don’t take for granted how much attention all the parts of your body need to stay in optimal health. Get your daily dose of sunshine and therefore Vitamin D as the weather permits. Strong bones are the structural framework of a healthy body.

Water, water, water. Stay hydrated as much as possible. Not remembering or having time to drink enough water is one of the biggest complaints I have heard about from my clients over the years. Drinking water is such a crucial part of overall good health that you can’t afford to skimp out on it. Give yourself the gift of hydration and you will notice the difference in how your mind and body operate right away. It’s worth it now that most of us have an excess of time. Click here for some easy to get water filter options.

Another thing I highly highly recommend is taking your daily supplements and any other nutritive foods that will help you be and stay strong. Being the healthiest you can be right now is going to pay off in the long run. I love Smarty Pants products which you can find at Costco.com or Amazon.com. They have something for everyone. A couple of other must haves are the following Dr. Schulze products. They’re natural, strong, and potent. Click here to see their Superfood products which I recommend people take year round no matter what health issues are circling the world. Dr. Schulze also has a new fantastic product that I love called Herbal Shield Emergency Response. A must have in every household in the coming weeks, months, and years if you think about it. Herbal teas are also a great go to for relaxing your mind and body.

I hope that we can all prevail through this challenging time stronger, healthier, and happier than ever. It makes me so happy to see so many people out and about in their communities walking and enjoying nature. There’s so much goodness we can take away from this time of our life. Keep in mind all the positive habits you can acquire in the coming weeks and try to continue to implement them for the rest of your life. Sometimes it takes something difficult for something amazing to happen. We will come out on the other side of this health scare as a different society. May each of you do your part in making the world a more awesome place than before all this started! You can do it!

Daily Healthy and Positive Body and Mindset Recap

  1. Safety first! No exceptions.

  2. Excerise everyday, even if it’s just a little bit.

  3. Get sunshine when you can. Strong Body = Strong Mind

  4. Stay hydrated.

  5. Get your daily dose of supplements and nutritive ingredients.