Unlocking Confidence: Overcoming Shyness and Embracing Self-Assured Living

Hello and a warm welcome to this blog post! I hope your day is unfolding positively, but if not, I'm sending you a virtual hug of warmth and tranquility. Remember, you deserve happiness every day.

Let's dive right in. Have you ever wondered about the roots of shyness? While some individuals seem naturally shy from birth, it's essential to understand that this trait isn't set in stone. Rather than asking, "Why are some people shy?" it's more accurate to inquire, "Why do some people feel shy?" Adaptation and evolution are the essence of being human, allowing us to shape and reshape ourselves.

Interestingly, shyness often stems not from personal self-perception, but from the fear of others' judgments. People of all ages battle shyness because they feel as though they're being seen before they're genuinely known. This fear of not being accepted for one's true self often leads to feeling inadequate or not measuring up to external standards.

Imagine if everyone believed their confidence hinged on universal approval. In reality, it's practically impossible for one person to be liked by every individual at all times. Conflict naturally arises when individuals seek constant agreement or control over others. Such conflicts are as inherent as love and happiness in the human experience, contributing to self-conscious emotions like shyness.

Our minds rapidly categorize and process information to make quick decisions. The frequency of decision-making determines the dynamism of one's life. Those who exercise their decision-making muscle lead more vibrant lives. However, some shy individuals refrain from voicing their desires, allowing others' preferences to dictate their lives. Fear of not being liked further exacerbates this tendency.

Regardless of the reasons behind shyness, it's crucial to recognize that nobody holds all the answers. Each person is the ultimate authority on their own life. Being your most serene and joyful self, speaking up, and surrounding yourself with balanced individuals can lead to a fulfilling life. Achieving this overarching mindfulness level is well worth the effort.

Curious about the factors influencing mindfulness? Many mindful individuals had either nurturing upbringings or invested ample time in studying mindfulness. Those raised by parents who valued open discussions about life often adopt these perspectives. Unlike previous generations, we're armed with research, psychology courses, and knowledgeable practitioners who share insights to help people live their best lives. Remember, life is too precious to solely learn from personal mistakes. Embrace learning from the best and aspiring to become the best version of yourself. Why not?

Michelle Shahbazyan, MS, MA

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