You Can Have It All
2020 has most certainly brought on it’s challenges. A lot of what I see from people out in the real world is that their romantic relationships are coming under quite a bit of scrutiny since people are spending unprecedented amounts of time together at home. Depending on which state in the US you are in or which country you are in, the change in your ability to go out into the world might have changed a little bit or a lot. Being single or in a relationship that is dwindling and has its difficulties and may not be fun. Some things in life we have control over and some things, not so much. At the end of the day, who says you can’t have it all? Why not aim for the stars and see what is beyond? You can have an amazing life and an amazing life partner. The only question you should be asking yourself is “Why Not?”
Always remember that you can make the choice to get into an amazing relationship that enhances your life.
When you’re single, the grass generally seems to be greener on the other side. The natural anxiety of wanting to be with someone kicks in and getting a little attention from someone who you are attracted to jumpstarts the beginning of a relationship. The problem is that most people get into short or long term relationships without vetting out if that person will be the best match for them lifelong.
Choosing your life partner is the most important decision you will ever make. Choose wisely.
Once you are ready to get married, I recommend that you get into the mindset of choosing a person who you are going to be happy sharing every day, night, middle of the night, etc. with. This is a very important way of thinking about marriage. Anyone who has ever been married knows what I’m talking about. If you spend some time when you start getting to know someone to ask all the right questions and to show up as your best self, you are setting yourself up for success. Think of it like achieving the best case scenario. The only question you need to ask yourself is, why not?
If you or your current partner aren’t showing up as your best self, this is the most ideal time to take a look at what is not working. As human beings, we are wired to learn from mistakes and mishaps. In addition to that, we also learn best in the context of a relationship. Taking a moment to take stock of your own personality and the personality of your current partner will give you enough information to ensure that you make a better choice next time.
In all of my years as a Life Coach and Couples Counselor, I have never seen someone go from a bad relationship to one that is worse. It pretty much always gets better.
When you become the best version of yourself, you will find an amazing partner that will be a good choice not just for today, but for the long run. As a Life Coach, I help you get to know yourself through answering questions about who you are and what your ideal partner would be like. Having worked with people of all cultures around the world, I know what works and what doesn’t. I can help normalize som thoughts for you while giving you insight on some thoughts that are barriers to your ability to choose and keep love.
It is so important to look for people who take care of themselves and are ready to enhance their already amazing life. Using my expertise in what works and what doesn’t work, I help you choose from potential partners you have in the pipeline if you are dating so that you don’t have to waste your time, money, energy, or that special outfit on matches that aren’t ideal.
The only thing left from there is to decide if that magical attraction mutually exists between the two of you. From there, I always recommend that you inquire about anything that is important to you as far as future expectations in regards to money, family, jobs, and any other hot button priorities you as an individual may have. I will guide you and teach you everything you need to know to ensure your success. I always tell my clients, why leave love up to chance?
Be as awesome as you can be and set your standards high.
Now, it’s 2020, picture yourself this coming New Year’s Eve with your best match. Imagine the ease that it will bring to your mind and body. Spend this time as a single person, or someone who may about to become single, to become your best self. Erase any limits, exceptions, or excuses that may be in the way of you and the best love you can have.
Go out there and have fun on your own, with your friends and/or family. When you meet your best match, you’ll know. It’ll rattle your life up in the best way possible, in ways you may not be able to imagine just yet. Be prepared and happy in every way you can before that moment you meet your best match.
I’m here to walk you through the process and be helpful in any way I can. I wish you all the best on your journey to meeting your best match!